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But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.


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  • God is doing something extraordinary today, an incredible gift of healing that God is giving to people, is an ability to no longer hear demonic spirits or demonic voices. 

    At the beginning of July  2013 the Lord spoke to me and said "Tom, what do you think it would be like if when demons spoke to you, you wouldn't be able to hear them?" I paused for a couple of seconds and then said WOW Lord that would be awesome. I then said to God, I don't want to be able to hear demonic spirits when they speak to me. I have not heard any demons, or had any mental warfare since then. I have been experiencing great peace, and a very increased ability in recognizing my own thoughts and taking them captive and making them obedient to Christ. I can hear from God much clearer and deeper and my pictures and visions have become much more vivid. God has been going deeper into my mind and healing me from issues of the past.


     I would tell people about this wonderful gift, but when they prayed and asked God for it nothing happened. At the beginning of May 2014, I was speaking with Prophet Rohan Rambally from Christian International in Trinidad and I was telling him about what was happening. He then told me that this gift that I had received was for impartation to be given to other people. I then prayed and imparted it to him and he has not had any mental warfare since then. The next night I prayed and imparted it to my wife and the same thing happened and now she hasn't had any warfare since then either and they both are experiencing the same things that I mentioned above. That weekend I prayed and imparted it to people in our prayer group and some of them immediately received the peace in their minds that they have always been searching for.


    The majority of Christians don’t understand that a large portion of their thoughts actually come from demonic spirits or demonic voices. They come to speak to us into our mind and the sound of their voices sound exactly like the sound of our thoughts in our minds. Demonic spirits have mastered the art of counterfeiting or imitating the sound of our thoughts in our heads. When we command demonic spirits to go, they will leave, but our thoughts and belief patterns will remain the same. As these thoughts keep coming back we will think that we are fighting against demonic spirits, but in reality we are fighting against our own thought patterns. These thoughts will continue to keep coming back until either we renew our mind in that area through the reading of the bible, and/or we receive healing in that area.



    Once you have received this gift one of the first things that you will realize is an incredible peace in your mind. You will find there are several different degrees of peace. There is one where you are truly walking with the awareness of His presence all day. Where before in your mind you had all this thought activity happening that was from demonic spirits, you now have PEACE. Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.



    Where there were once many thoughts flowing in your mind, you will see that area completely quiet now, and a deep sense of God’s peace will reign in your mind. Even though I had a very strong gift of discernment of spirits, I could not tell the difference between when my thoughts were speaking to me and demonic spirits were talking to me. I would rebuke certain thoughts in my mind thinking that they were demonic spirits, but they kept coming back to me over and over again and I couldn’t understand why when I was rebuking them in the name of Jesus. After I received this gift, I realized that I was trying to cast out my thoughts as I would do to a spirit. Of course my thoughts would keep coming back to me, because that was the demonic stronghold or ungodly belief pattern that had been developed in my mind. Once I realized this, I asked God to change my pattern or way of thinking in these areas and He would quickly do so. The quietness in my head used to be taken up by the noise of demonic spirits talking to me while I was unaware they were demonic spirits. My thoughts and beliefs are not necessarily accurate as to what the Bible says or what God has put into me. Just because I may think that I don’t have enough faith, doesn’t necessarily make that thought true. We don’t always have to be talking to ourselves. We usually just go over what we said to ourselves yesterday or replaying in our minds what we should have said or done. We have to recognize when we are talking to ourselves and stop.



    I was looking up a scripture in Exodus when God showed me that many people today were like the Israelites wandering around for 40 years murmuring and complaining against God.  God was taking them through the desert to kill off that generation that was complaining. If you will change your focus from murmuring and complaining about where God has put you and the people around you at work and be gracious and full of thanksgiving for what God has done and is going to do in your life I believe your desert experience will end. God loves us so much that he often sends people into our workplace to help develop fruit in us, but we so often see them as unbelievers who need the Lord more than we do. They do need the Lord, but I believe many of them are sent to bring forth fruit in our hearts, but very often we do not recognize the gift of those people in our workplace that God has sent to us. You cannot switch from murmuring and complaining to being thankful without His help. All you can do is pray and ask God to change your heart and be willing to put a guard on your thoughts and the words that you speak. God hears your thoughts, so anything that you are thinking is the same as speaking them out loud.



    We now have an incredible opportunity to have our minds renewed quite easily and quickly. Now that we can recognize our thoughts more easily, we need to take what the Bible says about us or our situations and declare them over our life and our minds. We can focus in on those thoughts that are coming into our mind that do not line up with scripture. All failures and successes are won or lost in our thought life long before the manifestations of them come into our physical reality.


    Another one of the things that takes place is an increase in your concentration. Since there are no longer demonic spirits imitating the sound of your thoughts, the increase of peace in your mind and lack of distractions allows you to focus on the things that you are reading or thinking about. You become very aware of your thoughts, almost like reading them on a TV screen. Your are so aware of your thoughts that you can truly take every thought captive as 2 Corinthians 10:5 states “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. We are so aware of our thoughts now, ungodly thoughts or ungodly ways of thinking become so obvious to us that with the help of God we can now rewire our old ways of thinking and processing things to Godly ways of thinking. Philippians 4:8 can now become a reality in our lives “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” God will truly hold us accountable for the things that we are thinking about.



    A third thing that happens is that now there is absolutely no mental warfare. No demonic spirits attacking your mind. People cannot push your buttons, like they used to do before. Our old ways of thinking and our emotions can and will push our buttons until we get healed in that area. Demonic spirits may attack us though other people, but they will have no effect on our mind, unless we give them room for us to attack them in the spirit. If you were able to detect demonic attacks coming to you from other people, you will no longer have any of that type of warfare happening to you.


    Now that there is no demonic warfare from demonic spirits, we can see our emotional responses more clearly. In the past we would often put our emotional response down to the fact that we were getting spiritually attacked. When in reality we were having a patterned emotional response from past circumstances which are happening to situations occurring now. If we line up our emotional response to what the Bible says, we will find that we are responding to an ungodly belief or and ungodly way of thinking or reacting to a current situation. Now, without any mental or spiritual warfare going on in our minds we can see the truth. We are reacting to what we thought was the truth in the past, but if we compare it to what the Bible says, we will see that very often what we thought was a truth in our lives will turn out to be a lie. Our emotional responses need to line up with what the Bible says, and not necessarily with what our perceived reality is telling us. When our emotions are reacting to a particular situation, the things we do and say are usually wrong as we are most often reacting from a position of where we have been hurt in the past.

     God will very often use the people in our lives to expose what is in our hearts. When people push our buttons, or cause us to manifest because of what other people have said or done, it is actually revealing what is in our hearts or belief patterns. If we pay attention to what emotions we are experiencing or what thoughts are occurring in our minds, we will learn about what areas in our life that God is working on. God wants us set free from everything; He is using this gift to bring a greater depth of healing and freedom to his children. I learned that sometimes I would get angry with people when they disagreed with me. God showed me that this was just a learned behavioral pattern from watching movies, TV shows and responses from other people when they would disagree with each other. It is ok to disagree with someone else, we don’t have to get angry about it. We just need to ask God to change the way we react to those circumstances.


    The more we yield to the Holy Spirit the quicker and the deeper the work will be done. We will become more aware of the information that we are receiving through our different senses, and we will be able to eliminate those things that we don’t want to influence us. Those things that influence wrongly we can take to God and he can heal us from the reactions to those things.



     Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

     God knows what good is in us and he wants us to demonstrate it. So every time someone pushes our buttons or causes us to think wrongly we have a chance to demonstrate the good or the evil that is in us. Which ever we demonstrate will grow stronger in us



     I had an experience where it was like I was the third person in the conversation and I could clearly hear my soulish man speaking to me, my spiritual man was listening also. I could recognize that what my soulish man was saying to me was not the truth so I had to keep saying no, when he said that I was discouraged. As I kept saying no my discernment in that area grew stronger.



    Faith is the simple manifestation of us taking a stand sometimes against our soulish man and declaring the promises of God that are in the word and that we have received prophetically. It is the words that we speak and we must battle against our soulish strongholds of discouragement, doubt and unbelief. It is when we have given up in prayer when we doubt that that situation or person will be changed. We must recognize that we are allowing unbelief to flow through us and that we are not speaking in faith. All we have to do is turn the tables over and fight against our soulish man. Because until he gets renewed in that area he will always tell us to quit praying for that situation. We have to fight back against doubt and unbelief that is still in our soulish man.


    I realized that very often in the past when we could hear demonic spirits attacking us, we would become distracted by what we were hearing and focus our spiritual warfare in that specific area. Then the enemy would attack us in a different area, where we had not yet received discernment of spirits or healing in that area and the attack would go unnoticed.

    With this gift we are responsible for the things that we are thinking about. We can no longer blame demonic spirits for the thoughts that stay in our minds. If you want to know what area in your life that God is working on, pay attention to what is coming up in your heart or thought life. When we practice in our mind what we would like to say to someone in a negative manner, that is a sure sign that we need healing in that area. When we do that in our minds we are actually doing spiritual warfare against that person. God can either use people around me to expose what is in my heart, but if we aren’t listening, He will have to use circumstances brought into our lives by the enemy to reveal what is in our heart and shape our character. Sometimes our divine connections with people are those that cause us to manifest and expose to ourselves what is in our hearts. Those people that are around us that irritate us are also divine connections.


    I will release this gift to you by asking God to give you this impartation of not being able to hear demonic spirits and all you have to say to God is that you don’t want to hear demonic spirits anymore.



    Its just that Papa Tom I hadn't realised to what extent I was suffering and being harassed before. That's kinda all I had ever known and I didn't know that it could be any different.

      God make me make good  and progress by leaps and bounds during this period of peace. He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it was the verse I grabbed as I came down to start my day.

    Papa Tom this is a serious leap forward for me. I would plead the blood about a million times in close succession cos a thought would strike and I would come against it and it would just go and make a u turn and come back. I would pray and get all these voices clamouring or be hit by fear about all the different things the devil would do and could do to my family and I would spend the whole day closing doors and pulling down thoughts and refusing and rebuking and trying to keep up destroying all the different evil scenarios he would be painting for me .


     After:  Its soo nice to have your head clear to think and  without struggle put your thoughts across to God in prayer and not have many clamouring voices  yelling about what ifs and  discouragement and doubt and uncertainty and anxiety totally missing in action.

      I haven't finished experiencing God yet, not by far,  but Papa, I am slowly realising what peace is and how sweet it is, especially in my head, now I get it when it says the peace of God will mount guard over your heart and mind... My sleep is sweeter, I can easily tell which dream is mine and I am not striving to find a spiritual meaning or interpretation to every dream. . I am not harassed Oh heavenly father please thankyou! Oh papa Tom, having God is sweet! God , Almighty God, please more of you Lord and use us how you want to, to the fullest in Jesus name amen.

    God make us desire for more of him and may he fill us to overflowing in  Jesus name.

     Name withheld by request.



    Hey Tom & Mary,

    Just wanted to let you know that the silencing of the demonic voices impartation seems to have falling on me.

    I was praying and asking the Lord for it, but didn't want to interrupt you, as XXXX  seemed to really need the prayers and time last night.

     I had such a peace driving home last night, and it's continued throughout today.

    It's almost serene in my head, I'm not hearing certain voices that use to pull at me.

    While I was doing my devotions this morning I had such an overwhelming conviction of what the Lord was trying to tell me in the passages, where any other morning it's such a struggle as thoughts would distract me from  the scripture that I was reading.  Thought they were my thoughts, but it's clear that they weren't.

    It's hard to describe, except that it's definitely quieter in my head.

    Now I need to make sure the mind patterns are renewed through the Lord.


    Be Blessed.

     Name withheld


    On May 3rd 2014, Tom imparted to our group through prayer the gift of not hearing from demonic spirits, immediately l felt at peace and experienced a filter around me. My thought process became very clear, as l was not bombarded by a cluster of unclean thoughts that affect our character and behaviour. My interactions with people, (at work and in ministry), have become very fruitful because of increased discernment.  

    The presence of the Holy Spirit is now abundantly experienced in my life since May 3rd. I believe this is what believers/Christians call..."walking with the Lord!"

     Sorry Tom for the long testimony, but there is no short way to describe the gift of God you bestowed on some of us.

     Thanks and Blessings

    Name withheld

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